Research Article Open Access

Some Features of Rice Cultivation Agrotechnics in Kazakhstani Aral Sea Region

Zhazira Baiserikovna Zhumatayeva1, Asset Myrzakhanuly Toktamyssov2, Kurmanbek Bakiruly2, Murat Orlenbaevich Nassimov3 and Elmira Shoraevna Yeleuova4
  • 1 Kazakh National Agrarian University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • 2 Zhakhaev Kazakh Research Institute of Rice, Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan
  • 3 University Bolashak, Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan
  • 4 Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University, Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan


The article presents the results of a study of high quality agrotechnics that allowed to use Marzhan, Yantar and AySaule rice varieties under the stress conditions of Kazakhstani Aral Sea region. In particular, the different seeding rate of seeds of rice (6.5, 7.0 and 7.5 million of germinating seeds per hectare) and application rates of the main types of mineral fertilizers (without fertilizers, N90P90. N90+30P90. N120P90K60) were examined. All studied varieties responded favorably to fertilizers. At the same time, the productivity of Marzhan grade was increased from 2.91 to 6.91 t/ha, grade Yantar from 2.75 to 7.10 t/ha and grade AySaule from 3.16 to 7.28 t/ha. However, higher doses of fertilizer led to a strong lodging of Marzhan varieties. Learned seeding rate had a significant effect on plant density. So, with a decrease of rice seeding rate the number of plants were reduced before harvesting in grade Marzhan for 18%, grade Yantar 23% and grade AySaule 17%. To obtain the highest yield variety of rice sown Yantar should be the norm of 7.0 million germinating seeds per hectare on the background of N90+30P90, for grades AySaule the best conditions are created at 7.5 million germinating seeds per hectare and N90+30P90, Marzhan 6.5 million germinating seeds per hectare and N90+30P90.

OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 17 No. 2, 2017, 104-109


Submitted On: 15 May 2017 Published On: 10 June 2017

How to Cite: Zhumatayeva, Z. B., Toktamyssov, A. M., Bakiruly, K., Nassimov, M. O. & Yeleuova, E. S. (2017). Some Features of Rice Cultivation Agrotechnics in Kazakhstani Aral Sea Region. OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences, 17(2), 104-109.

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  • Variety
  • Rice
  • Seed Rate
  • The Dose of Fertilizer
  • Productivity