Research Article Open Access

Improving of Kidney Bean Production by Plant Spacing in Two Different Altitudes at South Central Timor Regency, Indonesia

I Komang Sudarma1, Nurul Aini2 and Karuniawan Puji Wicaksosno2
  • 1 State Agricultural Polytechnics of Kupang, Indonesia
  • 2 University of Brawijaya Malang, Indonesia


The production of kidney bean as the source of protein and carbohydrate for the people of South Central Timor Regency is still low, therefore the production should be increased. The aim of this study is to evaluate the growth and production of kidney bean based on the different altitudes and spacings. The research was conducted at two different altitudes in Southern Central Timor Regency, Indonesia. Nine spaces of planting system have been tried at each altitude. The research used nested design by 3 replications. The experimental plot was made of 3×4 m in size and there were 27 experimental plots on each altitude. Result of the research showed that kidney beans were produced and grown well on the medium altitude compared with the high altitude. The rainfall, light intensity and temperature were the most dominant climatic factors that affected the growth and production of kidney bean among altitudes. Spacing of 30×10 cm was the most suitable for both altitudes based on yield of the crops. Spacing of 50×30 cm, 50×20 cm and 30×30 cm have provided better yield stability than other spacing as a result of different altitudes.

OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 15 No. 4, 2015, 268-273


Submitted On: 10 June 2015 Published On: 10 November 2015

How to Cite: Sudarma, I. K., Aini, N. & Wicaksosno, K. P. (2015). Improving of Kidney Bean Production by Plant Spacing in Two Different Altitudes at South Central Timor Regency, Indonesia. OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences, 15(4), 268-273.

  • 4 Citations



  • Kidney Bean
  • Different Altitude
  • Climate
  • South Central Timor Regency