Research Article Open Access

Spline Smoothing for Multi-Response Nonparametric Regression Model in Case of Heteroscedasticity of Variance

Budi Lestari1, I. Nyoman Budiantara2, Sony Sunaryo2 and Muhammad Mashuri2
  • 1 University of Jember, Indonesia
  • 2 , Indonesia


Problem statement: Assume that data (yki, tki), k = 1,2,…, p; i = 1,2,…,nk where nk represents the number of repeated measurement of kth object follows multi-response nonparametric regression model with variances of errors are heteroscedastic. Nonparametric regression curves are unknown and assumed to be smooth which are contained in Sobolev space. Random Errors are independent and normally distributed with zero means and unequal of variances. Approach: Smoothing spline can be used to estimate the nonparametric regression curve by carrying out the penalized weighted least-squares optimation. Therefore, reproducing kernel Hilbert space approach is applied to carry out the penalized weighted least-squares optimation. Results: In this study we consider the heteroscedastic multi-response nonparametric regression model and give a mathematical statistics method for obtaining the weighted spline estimator to estimate heteroscedastic multi-response nonparametric regression curves. Conclusion: The reproducing kernel Hilbert space approach gives solution of penalized weighted least-squares optimation for estimating heteroscedastic multi-response nonparametric regression curve which gives the weighted spline estimator. The estimator obtained is a biased estimator for nonparametric regression curve. However, the estimator is linear in observation."

Journal of Mathematics and Statistics
Volume 8 No. 3, 2012, 377-384


Submitted On: 8 May 2012 Published On: 13 October 2012

How to Cite: Lestari, B., Budiantara, I. N., Sunaryo, S. & Mashuri, M. (2012). Spline Smoothing for Multi-Response Nonparametric Regression Model in Case of Heteroscedasticity of Variance. Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 8(3), 377-384.

  • 22 Citations



  • Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS)
  • Penalized Weighted Least Squares (PWLS)
  • sobolev space
  • heteroscedastic
  • multi-response nonparametric regression