Editorial Open Access

Volume 2: and SGAMR Goes!

Chiara Bedon1, Mario D’Aniello2 and Flavio Stochino3
  • 1 University of Trieste, Italy
  • 2 University of Naples Federico II, Italy
  • 3 University of Cagliari, Italy


The year 2018 starts with a great confirmation for SGAMR!

The journal has been selected to host the extended version of some selected papers presented during the 6th International Workshop on Design in Civil and Environmental Engineering (DCEE2017), held at the University of Cagliari (Italy) during November 2017. A summary of selected papers from highly ranked, international scientists can be found in (Bedon et al., 2018a). Among the submitted contributors, the covered topics are various and equally important for the science and knowledge development and include an insight on innovative reinforcement techniques for masonry walls (Akhoundi et al., 2018) the design of a multifunctional hybrid steel-glass structure (Froli and Laccone, 2018); the application of diagnostic surveying to existing buildings (Concu et al., 2018) the nonlinear behaviour of RC culverts on elastic soil (Baraldi et al., 2018). The application of infrared thermography approaches for the characterization of painted masonry vaults in historical buildings is proposed by (Casapulla et al., 2018).    Valdés et al. (2018) focus on the characterization of recycled thermoplastic timber and its efficient mechanical use in buildings. Zucca et al. (2018) discuss about the definition/scheduling of the best timing and execution activities for a new mixed structure building in Milano. Deligia et al. (2018), finally, presents the final outcomes of the “Didactic Laboratory of Theory and Design of Structures”, from the Bachelor Civil Engineering students of the University of Cagliari.

For the 2017 edition, as usual, it is thus clear that DCEE2017 continued successfully to pursue its primary objective of exploring what design means in the field of Civil and Environmental Engineering and discussing interdisciplinary design strategies/innovations/approaches in co-operation with Architecture, Urban Planning, Topography experts…and more! A great success for SGAMR then, given that the previous editions of the international DCEE event have been held with success in Rome (2016), Taiwan (2015), Lyngby (2014), Worcester (2013) and Dajeon (2011).

Besides, parallel submissions to SGAMR are from independent submissions that wanted to share their outcomes with the international research community.  (dos Santos et al., 2018) present an innovative isolation system for efficient seismic applications, based on the efficient use of Shape-Memory Alloys (SMA).

Aversa et al. (2018) talk about Bulk Metal Glasses (BMGs). The paper aims at presenting some original studies on the melt flow, melting and rheology. 

Vedrtnam (2018) focuses on the flexural performance of laminated glass members and proves the efficiency of novel treatment methods to improve the mechanical parameters (especially the material resistance) of ordinary glass. Also (Hána et al., 2018) investigate the bending and structural response of laminated glass members with different interlayers. Original four point bending experiments are presented for both PVB or EVA laminated elements, that are notoriously responsible of the actual shear coupling for the glass layers.

Besides, the high variability in the tensile resistance of glass still represents one of the major issues for optimized design of glass structures. In this regard, (Kinsella et al., 2018) focus on the available modeling approaches for the fracture of glass and in particular on the standard statistical distributions.

Talking further about glass, but at the assembly level, two additional contributions are included in this Volume. Both of them are somehow related to the novel concepts of adaptivity and movable glass structures. Bedon et al. (2018b) discuss the current challenges for the so-called “adaptive” structural glass facades, while (Galuppi, 2018) presents a transformable glass greenhouse made of curved glass.

Last but not least, the Volume is completed by three additional research papers related to specific fields of research. Figuli et al. (2018) focus on critical infrastructure elements and their protection.

Kamenická et al. (2018) presents original comparative calculations related to timber load bearing members under fire. The charring rate prediction is explored, based on selected methods. Hussein et al. (2018), finally, discuss about the preparation of porous silicon (P-type) and the thermal diffusivity measurement.

As usual, a special thanks to all the authors and reviewers! Enjoy this volume!

The Editor in Chief and the Associate Editors.


Akhoundi, F., Vasconcelos, G. & Lourenço, P. (2018). In-Plane Behavior of Infills using Glass Fiber Shear Connectors in Textile Reinforced Mortar (TRM) Technique. International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research, 2(1), 1-14. 

Aversa, R., Petrescu, R. V., Apicella, A., Kozaitis, S., Abu-Lebdeh, T., Akash, B. & Petrescu, F. I. T. (2018). About Glassy Amorphous Metal Injection. International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research, 2(1), 96-106. 

Baraldi, D., Minghini, F., Tezzon, E. & Tullini, N. (2018). Nonlinear Analysis of RC Box Culverts Resting on a Linear Elastic Soil. International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research, 2(1), 30-45. 

Bedon, C., Mistretta, F., Sassu, M. & Stochino, F. (2018a). Special Issue on Current Challenges in Materials Design. International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research, 2(1), 155-156. 

Bedon, C., Honfi, D., Kozłowski, M., Machalická, K. V., Santos, F., Wüest, T., Eliášová, M. & Vokáč, M. (2018b). Key Structural Aspects for Adaptive Facades - Activity Progress from the EU-COST Action TU1403 ‘Structural’ Task Group. International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research, 2(1), 135-154. 

Casapulla, C., Maione, A. & Argiento, L. U. (2018). Infrared Thermography for the Characterization of Painted Vaults of Historic Masonry Buildings. International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research, 2(1), 46-54. 

Concu, G., Trulli, N. & Valdés, M. (2018). Knowledge Acquisition of Existing Buildings by Means of Diagnostic Surveying. Case Studies. International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research, 2(1), 22-29. 

Deligia, M., Pittau, F., Corda, S., Serra, M. & Sassu, M. (2018). A Didactic Laboratory of Theory and Design of Structures for Bachelor Civil Engineering Students in Cagliari. International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research, 2(1), 73-81. 

dos Santos, F. A., Cismasiu, C. & Braz Fernandes, F. (2018). Cyclic Instability of Shape-Memory Alloys in Seismic Isolation Systems. International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research, 2(1), 82-95. 

Figuli, L., Ivančo, M., Kubíková, Z. & Zvaková, Z. (2018). Reliability of Selected Critical Infrastructure Elements. International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research, 2(1), 157-163. 

Froli, M. & Laccone, F. (2018). HYGLASS: Design Proposal for an Integrated Multifunctional Hybrid Glass-Steel Structure. International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research, 2(1), 15-21. 

Galuppi, L. (2018). Transformable Curved Thin Glass Greenhouse. International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research, 2(1), 198-217. 

Hána, T., Eliášová, M. & Sokol, Z. (2018). Structural Performance of Double Laminated Glass Panels with EVA and PVB Interlayer in Four-Point Bending Tests. International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research, 2(1), 164-177. 

Hussein, M. J., Hindal, S. S. & Awaad, A. A. (2018). Preparation of Porous Silicon P-Type and Thermal Diffusivity Measurement Using Photoacoustic Technique. International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research, 2(1), 191-197. 

Kamenická, Z., Sandanus, J., Blesák, L., Cábová, K. & Wald, F. (2018). Comparison of Analytical and Numerical Results for the Charring Rate of the Timber-Concrete Beam. International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research, 2(1), 125-134. 

Kinsella, D., Lindström, J. & Persson, K. (2018). Performance of Standard Statistical Distributions for Modeling Glass Fracture. International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research, 2(1), 178-190. 

Valdés, M., Trulli, N. & De Nicolo, B. (2018). From Plastic Waste to Building Material: Mechanical Properties of Recycled Thermoplastic Timber. International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research, 2(1), 55-65. 

Vedrtnam, A. (2018). Effect of Novel Thermo-Chemical Treatment on Bending Strength of Laminated Glass. International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research, 2(1), 107-124. 

Zucca, M., Longarini, N., de Socio, F. & Migliori, I. (2018). Construction Stage Analysis for a New Mixed Structure Building in Milan. International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research, 2(1), 66-72.

International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research
Volume 4 No. 1, 2020, 182-183

DOI: https://doi.org/10.3844/sgamrsp.2020.182.183

Submitted On: 23 August 2020 Published On: 28 August 2020

How to Cite: Bedon, C., D’Aniello, M. & Stochino, F. (2020). Volume 2: and SGAMR Goes!. International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research, 4(1), 182-183. https://doi.org/10.3844/sgamrsp.2020.182.183

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