Research Article Open Access


Reginald Thomas Cahill1
  • 1 School of Chemical and Physical Sciences, Flinders University, Adelaide 5001, Australia


This is a review of the numerous successful gravitational wave detections and the implications for the nature of space and time. The prevailing space time paradigm in physics was founded on the putative "null" results of the Michelson-Morley (MM) 1887 interferometer experiment to detect light speed anisotropy and which resulted in two different new relativity theories: Lorentz relativity (Lorentz, 1904) and special relativity (Einstein, 1905), with the later invoking the claimed reality of space time, in place of separate phenomena of space and time. Miller (1933) repeated the MM experiment in 1925/26 and obtained non-null quality data, resulting in the determination of light speed anisotropy and establishing the key sidereal effect. It is now understood, since 2002, that both of these experiments are consistent and that the MM 1887 experiment was never null: Michelson had used Newtonian physics to calibrate the interferometer. Using Lorentz Relativity, but not Special Relativity, it is now possible to analyse the data from these experiments and which shows that the Michelson interferometer has zero sensitivity unless operated with a dielectric present in the light paths; air in the MM1887 and Miller experiments. Since that 2002 analysis various older and new light speed anisotropy experiments have produced fully consistent results, using different experimental techniques. These have included: RF EM Speeds in coaxial cable, optical fiber Michelson Interferometer, optical fiber/RF coaxial cables, earth spacecraft flyby RF doppler shifts, 1st order dual RF coaxial cables. These are all classical phenomena detectors. However in 2013 nanotechnology quantum detectors were invented that use correlations between electron barrier tunnelling current fluctuations in spatially separated zener diodes. Not only do all of these experiments, spanning 125 years, give a consistent anisotropy velocity, with speed ?500 km/s, RA ∼5 h, Dec. ∼80deg S, but all showed significant fluctuations in that velocity. A neo-lorentzian interpretation of these results is that a dynamical 3-space is passing the solar system and exhibits turbulence/wave effects. These wave effects produce gravitational forces and so the experimental data implies that the Michelson and Morley experiment not only detected light speed anisotropy but detected "gravitational waves". These gravitational waves have properties that are not consistent with the general relativity predicted waves, which travel at the speed of light, are transverse polarised and are weak and only produced by distant major astronomical events. Gravitational waves with these properties have never been detected. The zener diode quantum detectors reveal that quantum fluctuations are not random and intrinsic to a quantum system, but are imposed by the passing space: This discovery has major implications for the interpretations of quantum theory and the quantum to classical transition, which profoundly creates our reality. The dynamical space theory also posses an intrinsic inflation epoch.

Physics International
Volume 5 No. 1, 2014, 49-86


Submitted On: 5 February 2014 Published On: 27 March 2014

How to Cite: Cahill, R. T. (2014). REVIEW OF GRAVITATIONAL WAVE DETECTIONS: DYNAMICAL SPACE. Physics International, 5(1), 49-86.

  • 5 Citations



  • Gravitational Waves
  • Light Speed Anisotropy
  • Dynamical 3-Space
  • Quantum Classical Transition