Research Article Open Access

Method of Object Detection for Mobile Robot

Surachai Panich


Problem statement: In general, there are two steps of object detection, which are object generation, where the locations of possible objects are in an image and object verification, where tests are performed to verify the presence of object in an image. Approach: The purpose of the proposed object recognition system was to detect the object which is in front the mobile robot so that it can send warnings to avoid possible collision. The information of detected objects can also help to control the robot to travel at an appropriate speed and direction to avoid possible collisions. Results: An object in an image was detected by the two steps of image generation and verification. When object localizations were hypothesized, sub-image of the object was extracted from the image. Gabor features extracted from the sub-image is input into the classifier to verify whether the hypothesized sub-image contain an object or not. Conclusion: Localizations of objects in image are generated and verified. Object generation was implemented by using horizontal and vertical edges on the way region of interest segmented by utilizing color information. The sub-images of object are verified by classifier trained on Gabor features of a training set of images.

Journal of Computer Science
Volume 6 No. 10, 2010, 1151-1153


Submitted On: 4 July 2010 Published On: 24 August 2010

How to Cite: Panich, S. (2010). Method of Object Detection for Mobile Robot. Journal of Computer Science, 6(10), 1151-1153.

  • 2 Citations



  • Object detection
  • Gabor algorithm
  • mobile robot