Research Article Open Access

Virtual Mobility to Improve Cooperation in Mobile Ad hoc Networks

A. Baaziz and S. Pierre


We study the impact of mobility on the level of cooperation between mobile nodes in a mobile ad hoc network. In a mobile ad hoc network, if the nodes are static or have a reduced mobility and if some nodes adopt a selfish behaviour, the performance of the network is affected. This is because the same nodes that are relaying the packets. On the other hand, nodes with a significant mobility affect the network topology, hence the traffic often changes routes and the probability that nodes that are not selfish relay packets is better. We exploit the advantage that the mobility provides on cooperation to propose a solution with mechanisms that generate virtual mobility in a static network or with a reduced mobility, so it seems like a dynamic network.

Journal of Computer Science
Volume 4 No. 12, 2008, 1071-1075


Submitted On: 21 August 2008 Published On: 31 December 2008

How to Cite: Baaziz, A. & Pierre, S. (2008). Virtual Mobility to Improve Cooperation in Mobile Ad hoc Networks. Journal of Computer Science, 4(12), 1071-1075.

  • 1 Citations



  • virtual mobility
  • static and dynamic network