Research Article Open Access

Development of Ionizing Radiation Sensors Based on Carbon Nanotubes

Kenneth Fontánez1, Abraham García1, María del C Cotto-Maldonado1, José Duconge1, Carmen Morant2, Sergio Pinilla2 and Francisco Márquez1
  • 1 Universidad Ana G. Méndez-Gurabo Campus, United States
  • 2 Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain


SWNTs have been efficiently grown on patterned substrates, for its subsequent application to the development of ionizing radiation sensors. SWNTs before and after exposure to X-rays were characterized by Raman and XPS spectroscopy, revealing the appearance of alterations that have been justified as possibly due to the presence of adsorbed oxygen species. These materials have been used for the fabrication of a sensor prototype that has shown a quasi-linear behavior as a function of the time of exposure to X-ray radiation.

American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Volume 12 No. 2, 2019, 185-192


Submitted On: 5 April 2019 Published On: 29 May 2019

How to Cite: Fontánez, K., García, A., Cotto-Maldonado, M. D. C., Duconge, J., Morant, C., Pinilla, S. & Márquez, F. (2019). Development of Ionizing Radiation Sensors Based on Carbon Nanotubes. American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 12(2), 185-192.

  • 0 Citations



  • Sensor
  • Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
  • Ionizing Radiation
  • Resistivity