The Deproteinization, Antioxidant Acticities and Inhibitory Effect on α-Amylase of Polysaccharides from Corn Silk
- 1 Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, China
An approach of deproteinization of polysaccharides from corn silk (CSPs) was established to improve the purity and activities of CSPs by investigating Sevag method, trichloroacetic acid (TCA) method and HCl method. Deproteinization rate, polysaccharide retention rate, antioxidant activities and inhibition α-amylase effects were used as indicative mark to select suitable deproteinization method of CSPs. The crude CSPs was extracted by the hot water method. Results showed that TCA method had higher deproteinization rate and polysaccharide retention rate than that of Sevag method and HCl method, and the deproteinization optimum concentration of TCA was 4%. Under the optimized conditions, the deproteinization rate and polysaccharide retention rate were 53.68% and 64.13% respectively. In terms of antioxidant and α-amylase inhibitory effects, TCA-deproteinized CSPs (T-CSPs) had stronger activities, followed by Sevag-deproteinized CSPs (S-CSPs) and HCl-deproteinized CSPs (H-CSPs). Form a conclusion, TCA method was a good way to remove protein.
Copyright: © 2019 Yaping Li, Songbiao Shi, Xiudong Yang and Hongli Zhou. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
- 3 Citations
- Corn Silk
- Polysaccharides
- Deproteinization
- Antioxidant Activities
- α-Amylase Inhibition Effect