@article {10.3844/ojbsci.2024.24.31, article_type = {journal}, title = {The Association of Blood Serum Atherogenicity with Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease}, author = {Kirichenko, Tatiana Vladimirovna and Sobenin, Igor Alexandrovich and Myasoedova, Veronika Alexandrovna and Omelchenko, Andrey Vladimirovich and Kozlov, Sergey Gennadyevich and Orekhov, Alexander Nikolaevich}, volume = {24}, number = {1}, year = {2023}, month = {Oct}, pages = {24-31}, doi = {10.3844/ojbsci.2024.24.31}, url = {https://thescipub.com/abstract/ojbsci.2024.24.31}, abstract = {Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD) caused by atherosclerosis are the most frequent cause of mortality worldwide, so the identification of new biomarkers of atherosclerosis development is quite actual. The atherogenicity of blood serum is considered as the potential of human serum to cause cholesterol accumulation in primary culture macrophages. The current study aimed to evaluate the association of the atherogenicity of blood serum with conventional cardiovascular risk factors to assess its potential in CVD prognosis. Serum atherogenicity was measured in 815 study CVD-free participants at baseline and at the follow-up visit after 5 years. 51% of study participants had atherogenic serum at baseline, but at the follow-up visit after 5 years atherogenicity increased significantly in 60% of participants. An increase of atherogenicity was observed in the group with non-atherogenic serum at baseline, p}, journal = {OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences}, publisher = {Science Publications} }