@article {10.3844/ajavsp.2023.243.248, article_type = {journal}, title = {Climate Zones and Morphometric Parameters of Apis mellifera carnica Bees}, author = {Sheralieva, Zhanar and Nuraliyeva, Ulzhan and Karymsakov, Talgat and Tadzhiyev, Kadyrbay and Moldakhmetova, Gaukhar and Tadzhiyeva, Aigul}, volume = {18}, number = {4}, year = {2023}, month = {Oct}, pages = {243-248}, doi = {10.3844/ajavsp.2023.243.248}, url = {https://thescipub.com/abstract/ajavsp.2023.243.248}, abstract = {The Apis mellifera carnica is the most prevalent bee population distributed in the different climate zones of Kazakhstan. In this study, ten bee colonies of the A.m. carnica breed from six bee farms were selected for research, from six climate zones: Desert, semi-desert, steppe, forest-steppe, foothill, and mountain, and different regions: Southern, northern, eastern, western Kazakhstan. During the period of full activity, 30 samples of the right front wings, legs, proboscis, hooks, sternite, and tergite were taken from each bee family. The obtained experimental material was processed by methods of variational statistics (variational series, arithmetic mean, arithmetic mean error, Coefficient of Variation (CV), and correlation coefficient). The results revealed that the highest value of the cubital index was found in bee samples living in a semi-desert, while no significant differences were recorded between the dumbbell index indicators of the bee samples from different zones. The discoidal displacement value was the highest in bees of the semi-desert. A significant (p}, journal = {American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences}, publisher = {Science Publications} }