Research Article Open Access

Effect of Pachyrrizus erosus Extract on the Thrips Attack Phenomenon (Thripidae) in Capsicum annuum L. Leave

Tasmin Tangngareng1, Asni Johari2, Ratna Sari Dewi3, Desfaur Natalia4, Hastutik Setia A4 and Muhamad Tomy4
  • 1 The Department of Hadith Sciences, Philosophy and Politics Ushul-Addinfaculty, State Islamic Alauddin Makassar. H. M. YasinLimpo Street No 36 Samata Goa, Makassar, Indonesia
  • 2 Doctoral Program of Science Education, Jambi University, Jl. H.A.Manap Telanaipura Jambi, Indonesia
  • 3 The Department of English Education, The Faculty of Educational and Science, State Islamic University, Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia
  • 4 The Department of Mathematical and Natural Science Education, Jambi University, Raya Street Jambi-Ma, Bulian KM 15, Mendalo Darat, Jambi, Indonesia


Thrips are one of the main pests of chili plants. Until now, the method of controlling pests and diseases that are considered highly effective is the chemical method. Chemical controls have a major impact on environmental damage. One alternative that can be done is to control biologically using yam seed extract (Pachyrrizus erosus Urban). This study aims to analyze the effect of yam seed extract on the Thrips attack phenomenon (Thripidae) on chili leave (Capsicum annuum L.) and determine the smallest concentration that can decrease thrips attack. Research type was experimentally using a complete randomized design with treatment of yam seed extract concentration (0,05%, 0,1%, 0,5%, 1%, 1,5%, 2%) and negative control treatment, positive control and methanol with 36 experimental units. The observed phenomenon is the area of attack, the location of the attack, the part of the leaf that is attacked, the attack pattern and the color of the attack. Data analysis of attack phenomenon was done by descriptive analysis and analysis of variance test, followed by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test at α = 5%. The results showed that yam seed extract significantly affected by thrips attack phenomenon in decreasing the extent of the attack on chili leaves and the concentration of the smallest extract and ability to suppress the thrips attack was 0.5%. The phenomenon of the attack shows that the part of the leaf that is attacked is the top surface and the location of the attack on the base, middle and the tip of the leaf and the entire leaf surface. The pattern of attack varies, which is round, oval, elongated and in the shape of the number 8, with the color of silvery attack and then turns brownish.

OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 19 No. 1, 2019, 15-19


Submitted On: 12 June 2018 Published On: 24 January 2019

How to Cite: Tangngareng, T., Johari, A., Dewi, R. S., Natalia, D., A, H. S. & Tomy, M. (2019). Effect of Pachyrrizus erosus Extract on the Thrips Attack Phenomenon (Thripidae) in Capsicum annuum L. Leave . OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences, 19(1), 15-19.

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  • Extract
  • Seeds of Yam
  • The Phenomenon of Attack
  • Thrips
  • Chili Leaves
  • Capsicum annum L.