Investigation Open Access

Genetic Structure of Populations of Kazakh Whiteheaded and Hereford Cattles on the Basis of Microsatellite DNA

Adas Tileubekovna Tyngoziyeva1, Talgat Nikolaevich Karymsakov2 and Serik Doldashevich Nurbaev2
  • 1 Kazakh National Agrarian University, 050010, Almaty, Abay Street, 8, Kazakhstan
  • 2 Kazakh Scientific Research, Institute of Animal Breeding and Forage Production, 050035, Almaty City, Zhandosov Street, 51, Kazakhstan


This work is aimed at determination of genetic dissimilarities between two allied cattle breeds: Kazakh Whiteheaded and Hereford. Hair follicles were analyzed, from which DNA was extracted with subsequent amplification. Identification of amplification products was performed using an ABI Prism 310 genetic analyzer. Allele 147 was detected in Kazakh Whiteheaded cattle in locus BM 2113, there was no such allele in Hereford cattle. Average number of alleles per one locus of Hereford and Kazakh Whiteheaded breeds was 11.82 and 12.27, respectively. Herewith, the number of private alleles in Kazakh Whiteheaded cattle was 10 and in Herefordcattle-11. No confidential difference in average heterozygosity was determined. Analysis of sample allele fund with regard to both considered breeds revealed the characteristics’ range for both of them, thus facilitating determination of genetic dissimilarity between the two breeds.

OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 17 No. 4, 2017, 359-362


Submitted On: 22 June 2017 Published On: 6 December 2017

How to Cite: Tyngoziyeva, A. T., Karymsakov, T. N. & Nurbaev, S. D. (2017). Genetic Structure of Populations of Kazakh Whiteheaded and Hereford Cattles on the Basis of Microsatellite DNA. OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences, 17(4), 359-362.

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  • Kazakh and Hereford Breeds
  • Allele
  • Locus
  • Microsatellites
  • Heterozygosity