Research Article Open Access


Marina M. Solobutina1
  • 1 Kazan Federal University, Russia


The present article provides the results obtained in course of the empirical investigation on the probabilistic predicting in the speech activity. The aim of the research was to show the nature of interrelation between the predicting abilities in the speech activity and severity of distress at the neurotic disorders. In course of the research the following hypotheses were developed: (1) Predicting abilities in the speech activity correlate to the severity of distress at the neurotic disorders; (2) degree of speech predicting disruption depends upon the neurotic disorder’s severity. The results of the research have allowed to specify that the human body’s emotional and physiological tension in response to strong and long-lasting stress factor is accompanied by impairment in predicting abilities in the speech activity. The disruption of the probabilistic predicting in the patients suffering from neurotic disorders complicates anticipation of the forthcoming speech situation and causes the disruption in predicting of the speech message’s essence. It has been established that the neurotic disorders are followed by the disruption in the speech activity. However, the degree of disruptions depends not only upon the distress severity, but also the psychopathological symptoms’ manifestation rate and disorder’s intensity. The experience of negative stress consequences curtails the predicting abilities in the speech activity both for the mentally healthy ones and suffering from neuroses, though, not equally: The disruptions in verbal predicting are more sufficient at the neurotic disorders. The actualization peculiarities of the ideolexicon’s probabilistic structure are greatly changed under the influence of the morbid process development. The patients with comparatively non-profound neurotic disorders are able to perform predicting in the speech activity, whereas the predicting incompetence is stated concerning the speech activity at the intensification of the disorder’s clinical evidences. It was concluded that the disruption of predicting the semantic relations in the verbal message in the persons suffering from the greatly intensive distress causes anxiety in course of communication together with avoiding of psycho-traumatic speech situations and that, in its turn, creates obstacles in communication and shapes readiness for neurotic interpretation of the reality.

OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 14 No. 2, 2014, 150-154


Submitted On: 26 May 2014 Published On: 25 June 2014

How to Cite: Solobutina, M. M. (2014). PROBABILISTIC PREDICTING IN SPEECH IN DISTRESS AND AT THE NEUROTIC DISORDERS. OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences, 14(2), 150-154.

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  • Probabilistic Predicting
  • Speech Activity
  • Distress
  • Neurotic Disorders