Research Article Open Access

Interleukin-10, Mean Arterial Blood Pressure and Insulin Resistance in Normal Pregnancy

Abdolreza Sotoodeh Jahromi1, Mohammad Reza Farjam1, Mohammad Hassan Davami1, Alireza Makarem2, Mohammad-Yasin Karami2, Parvin Zareian2 and Abdolhossein Madani3
  • 1 Research Center of Zoonosis Diseases, Iran
  • 2 Jahrom University of Medical Sciences, Iran
  • 3 Hormozgan University of Medical Science, Iran


Problem statement: The purpose of this study was to investigate whether serum of Interleukin-10 (IL-10) Concentration change during normal pregnancy and, if so, to relate these changes corresponding alterations in insulin resistance and blood pressure. Approach: This cross sectional study was carried out on 86 healthy pregnant women including 26, 23 and 37 individuals in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters, respectively and in 21 healthy non pregnant women. Serum IL-10 concentration was measured by Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) method. Insulin resistance value was calculated using the homeostasis model assessment, HOMA-IR. Results: Serum IL-10 concentration was found to be significantly higher in patients in all gestational age as compared non pregnant women. Il-10 level was significantly increased with increase in gestational age. Pregnant women exhibited higher score of HOMA IR compared non pregnant women, but there were no difference in this score between pregnant subjects in different gestational age. There were not significant correlation between IL-10 level with IR and blood pressure. Conclusion: The results of the study show maternal IL-10 level increase with further increase in gestational age and there is no significant correlation between IL-10 level with Mean Arterial blood Pressure (MAP) and IR.

OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 11 No. 3, 2011, 84-89


Submitted On: 30 October 2011 Published On: 2 December 2011

How to Cite: Jahromi, A. S., Farjam, M. R., Davami, M. H., Makarem, A., Karami, M., Zareian, P. & Madani, A. (2011). Interleukin-10, Mean Arterial Blood Pressure and Insulin Resistance in Normal Pregnancy. OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences, 11(3), 84-89.

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  • Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)
  • Mean Arterial blood Pressure (MAP)
  • changes corresponding alterations
  • between pregnant subjects
  • Insulin Resistance (IR)