Research Article Open Access

Software-based Control Algorithm for Providing Convergence Region with an Increasing Polynomial under Windowed FIR Filters

Sergio Bimbi Junior1, Vitor Chaves De Oliveira2, Agenor De Toledo Fleury3 and Ronaldo Ruas4
  • 1 Technological Research Institute ("IPT"), Brazil
  • 2 Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas, Brazil
  • 3 Mechanical, Mechatronics and Marine Engineering of USP’s Polytechnic School, Brazil
  • 4 FATEC, Brazil


This work developed a control algorithm for dynamical systems to high performance manner, in a way to produce an optimum output applying a modification in digital filters, capable of increasing the convergence zone within the desired cut -off frequency. Such task focused on consistently improving the challenge present in digital filters, which are time-invariant linear systems that are able to modify connected input signal characteristics, where only a specific signal component of the frequency is able to reach the filter output. In dynamic systems, digital filters are applied to optimize system measurements with respect to performance and stability. This work, through C and C# coding demonstrates a modification to windowed low-pass filters within the π sample space. The π sample space is divided, and small parts of the equation are added into a polynomial of degree n; this technique removes unwanted frequency components in small angular frequency windows, causing acceleration of the signal with respect to the windowed low-pass filter. This feature is very important in dynamic measurement systems because the system achieves an increased number in values closer to the target to obtain an average that indicates values with a high level of accuracy and repeatability. This work also conducted a series of experiments to verify and validate the control algorithm, this software was fully implemented in embedded industrial systems, which support low-level C coding language that is the industry standard.

Journal of Computer Science
Volume 14 No. 7, 2018, 982-999


Submitted On: 25 March 2018 Published On: 17 July 2018

How to Cite: Junior, S. B., De Oliveira, V. C., Fleury, A. D. T. & Ruas, R. (2018). Software-based Control Algorithm for Providing Convergence Region with an Increasing Polynomial under Windowed FIR Filters. Journal of Computer Science, 14(7), 982-999.

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  • Control Algorithm
  • Software Development
  • Digital Windowed Filter
  • Digital Signal Processing
  • Low-level Programming