Research Article Open Access

Automatic Discovery of Association Paths in Relational Databases Using Software Visualization

Haider Ali Ramadhan


We introduce a visual framework for facilitating tasks associated with database maintenance and re-use. The prototype system embodying the framework is presented. The system utilizes various techniques and features of software visualization. The system supports visual displays of the database structure along with various implicit relationships found in it such as associations and path views. Information visualized is automatically extracted from the database schema. To assess the usefulness of the proposed framework in helping the programmers to quickly recognize path views among relations, an empirical evaluation was conducted. Results collected from the evaluation seem to support our hypothesis that the time required to manually recognize path views from the database schema is considerable and tends to increase as the depth between the relations increases. The evaluation also showed that by using our visual framework such time is negligible and tends to be static.

Journal of Computer Science
Volume 1 No. 3, 2005, 376-380


Submitted On: 2 April 2005 Published On: 30 September 2005

How to Cite: Ramadhan, H. A. (2005). Automatic Discovery of Association Paths in Relational Databases Using Software Visualization. Journal of Computer Science, 1(3), 376-380.

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  • Software Re-Engineering
  • Databases
  • Software Visualization
  • Visual Interfaces
  • Empirical Evaluation